Political Turmoil in Pakistan: A Battle for Power and Influence

Political Turmoil in Pakistan: A Battle for Power and Influence



The political landscape in Pakistan has been tumultuous in recent times, marked by intense power struggles, allegations of conspiracies, and a deteriorating relationship between the government and the deep state. The country's leadership, particularly Prime Minister Imran Khan, has found itself embroiled in controversies, facing challenges from within and outside his party. This article delves into the complex web of events and power dynamics that have unfolded, threatening stability and creating uncertainty in Pakistan's political arena.

A Coup in the Making?

According to various sources, it has been alleged that a faction within the ruling party led by Prime Minister Imran Khan, orchestrated a plan to remove him from power. It is claimed that this faction, spearheaded by Mr. Bajwa, aimed to topple the Khan government by utilizing members of parliament sympathetic to their cause. They allegedly sought support from the United States, citing Khan's alleged anti-American sentiments. The plan was said to have gained momentum during Khan's visit to Russia and the subsequent revelation of American ambassador cypher, which the opposition initially denied but was later affirmed during a Pakistan security briefing.

Reference: (Mr. Shahid Matila Journalist vlog, Reference by: Mr. Khan Interview to Podcast: Mr. Muzamil)

Deep State's Involvement and Internal Rifts:

The opposition alliance, Pakistan Democratic Movement (PDM), saw an opportunity in the political turmoil and sought to exploit it with the help of the deep state. The former Chief of Army Staff (CoAS) made a press briefing condemning Ukraine's war, thereby undermining the government's foreign policy and exacerbating the existing differences. Mr. Bajwa allegedly threatened Mr. Khan during a meeting, claiming to possess incriminating evidence against him. However, despite these efforts, the public reaction did not favor the PDM and the deep state at that time.

Reference: (Islamabad security dialogue 2022 dated: 02-April, 2022, Reference to Mr. Khan Interview to Podcast: Mr. Muzamil)

Changing Dynamics with New COAS:

With the reinterment of Mr. Bajwa and the appointment of a new Chief of Army Staff (COAS), hopes were raised for improved stability and resolution of internal conflicts. However, sources indicate a clash between the new COAS and Mr. Khan during the latter's tenure. Khan expected neutrality from the COAS in the matter, but tensions escalated when Khan dissolved the Punjab and KP assemblies, calling for elections. The deep state, however, did not cooperate, aiming to take advantage of this move by establishing a caretaker setup of their choice to control power in the provinces and exert pressure on Khan.

Reference: Hameed bhatti in interview

Political Maneuvering and Supreme Court Intervention:

The deep state's influence became evident as both province governors cited lame excuses for not announcing election dates, putting the blame on the government and the Election Commission and later on making the security reason for not announcing election dates. The President exercised his power to announce the election date, leading to a clash of authority. The deep state, supported by the Supreme Court, security situation in Pakistan, claiming it was not conducive to hold elections and provide their verdict with clear intention that the court's request to provide security, The Supreme Court, however, stated that they could seek assistance from experienced judges and civilians to ensure the elections proceed. Despite this, the deep state remained silent but demonstrated their opposition to holding elections in the country at that time.The Supreme Court intervened, but the deep state's resistance remained steadfast.

Assassination Attempts and Legal Battles:

Amidst the political chaos, an assassination attempt on Prime Minister Khan was reported, implicating three individuals, including an ISIS officer. Khan faced challenges in registering a First Information Report (FIR) against the alleged perpetrator due to heavy pressure on the police. He claimed that the judicial commission's report was also manipulated by the deep state to sabotage his position. However, Khan's popularity remained strong, reaching 69 percent.

Reference: Mr. Khan takes name on public rally and multiple interviews, Republican Survey report

Arrests and Military Court Controversy:

The arrest of Prime Minister Khan in the Al-Qadir University case by the National Accountability Bureau (NAB) was deemed illegal by the Supreme Court. Khan's supporters protested, leading to violence in several locations. The new COAS further escalated tensions by announcing the establishment of military courts to punish those involved in crushing the opposition. This move raised concerns about human rights violations and the accountability of the military for the deaths of innocent people during the political unrest. The decision to resort to military courts has raised questions about justice and fairness.

The Role of COAS and People's Reaction:

The actions and statements of the new COAS have been met with criticism and concern. The decision to announce military courts as a means to crush political dissent has been seen as a disproportionate response. Many question the accountability of the military itself, especially in incidents where innocent civilians have lost their lives. People are demanding answers regarding the 28 individuals who were killed by security forces during protests.

Furthermore, the new COAS's call for military intervention in political matters has heightened fears of further political victimization and suppression of democratic values. Critics argue that the military should play a neutral role and refrain from interfering in civilian affairs, especially when it comes to the functioning of democratic institutions.

Public Perception and Political Intentions:

Public opinion has shifted, with rallies and demonstrations expressing support for the Pakistan Army, which is increasingly seen as aligned with the political agenda of the opposition parties within the PDM. This has given rise to suspicions that there is an intent to ban the ruling party, PTI, and establish a technocratic setup that would prolong the opposition's control and potentially lead to a removal of Prime Minister Khan from power.

The Future Outlook:

The current political climate in Pakistan remains highly uncertain. The power struggle between the government, the deep state, and the opposition continues to intensify. The actions and decisions taken by key players, including the COAS, the Supreme Court, and the political leadership, will shape the country's future trajectory.

While the deep state's influence and actions have been a cause for concern, it is crucial to ensure that democratic principles and human rights are upheld. Any attempts to curtail these fundamental values could lead to further political instability and hinder Pakistan's progress.

As the situation unfolds, it is essential for all stakeholders to prioritize dialogue, transparency, and the rule of law. A peaceful and democratic resolution to the ongoing power struggle is crucial for Pakistan's stability and the well-being of its citizens.

Furthermore, amidst the ongoing political turmoil, Pakistan's economy has suffered greatly, and the common people have been hit hard by hyperinflation. Unfortunately, it seems that the current state and establishment are more focused on their own power struggles rather than addressing the dire economic situation and the plight of the ordinary citizens.

The economic downturn has led to a sharp increase in prices of essential commodities, making it increasingly difficult for the average person to make ends meet. Rising inflation, unemployment, and a stagnant economy have further exacerbated the challenges faced by the people.

While the political elites engage in power plays and maneuverings, the common people are left to bear the brunt of the economic crisis. It is disheartening to witness the lack of attention and concern given to the struggles of everyday citizens, who are grappling with the rising cost of living and the erosion of their purchasing power.

Instead of focusing on finding a resolution to the political turmoil, the key stakeholders seem to be adding fuel to the fire, intensifying the divisions and rifts within the country. The refusal to hold elections, despite it being the simplest solution to restore stability, raises suspicions of a pre-planned agenda and raises questions about the intentions of those in power.

In this situation, it is imperative that the concerns and welfare of the people become the top priority. The economic well-being of the citizens should not be sacrificed in the pursuit of political power and dominance. A stable political environment, accompanied by sound economic policies and measures, is essential to revive Pakistan's economy and alleviate the hardships faced by the common people.

It is high time that the current state and establishment recognize the gravity of the economic crisis and prioritize the needs of the people. Efforts should be directed towards finding inclusive and sustainable solutions that address both the political turmoil and the economic challenges, ensuring a brighter future for all citizens of Pakistan.

In cessation:

The prevailing political turmoil in Pakistan has not only caused a rift within the political landscape but has also taken a severe toll on the economy and the common people. The disregard for the economic hardships faced by ordinary citizens and the failure to prioritize their welfare is a matter of grave concern. It is crucial that the key stakeholders shift their focus towards addressing the economic crisis and work towards a stable political environment that considers the needs of the people. Only through a collective effort to resolve both the political and economic challenges can Pakistan pave the way for a prosperous and stable future...

By: JM

Labels: Pakistan politics,Political turmoil,Power struggles, Deep state,Imran Khan,Prime Minister,Opposition alliance, COAS (Chief of Army Staff), Supreme Court,Democracy, Human rights,Economy, Hyperinflation,Economic crisis,Common people, Inflation,Unemployment, Economic policies,Elections
